Building Bridges to Equality with Women in Construction

News • March 4, 2024

Female D+H employees are breaking stereotypes while shaping the future of construction with skill, knowledge, and determination.


Women in Construction

We are proud to boast a strong and diverse workforce, with women playing a significant role on our team. With 26% of our staff comprised of talented women, we surpass the industry average by a remarkable margin. While nationally, the construction industry typically sees only 10% female representation, our company shows a strong value of inclusivity and opportunity. At D+H, we recognize the many contributions of our female colleagues, whose expertise and innovation are integral to our success. We continuously strive to provide work environments where all individuals can thrive and contribute meaningfully to our projects, regardless of gender.

“I really enjoy working at D+H, especially as a woman in construction, because of the opportunities to learn and grow in my career. D+H is particularly strong with mentoring employees, helping them focus on areas of growth and strengthening skills. From my experience, this comes from strong leadership whom are willing to invest in their employees.”

Melanie Woo, Assistant Project Manager

Empowering Women in Construction at D+H

  • D+H invests in training and education initiatives to empower women with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles.
  • Having a strong female presence helps D+H foster awareness and understanding of issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, and other dimensions of diversity.
  • D+H offers opportunities where experienced women in the industry can provide guidance, advice, and support to those entering or advancing within the field.
  • D+H values participating in events, conferences, and workshops focused on empowering and connecting women in the construction industry, providing a platform for sharing insights, best practices, and experiences.